Executive Summary

THE PREMISE: The United States of America’s greatest days are in our future but only if America is willing to courageously enter that future with servant leadership dedicated to the discovery and realization of the nation’s divine destiny. Those leaders must be dedicated to the preservation of the individual and collective liberties endowed all men by their Creator. To develop these leaders, the nation’s Christian community must be willing to courageously sacrifice whatever necessary to support the educational crucible necessary to forge such leadership. Inside that crucible there must be a demand that excellence be pursued in every aspect of the individual’s character, academic and physical development. That crucible must holistically forge the Spirit, Mind and Body for the expressed purpose of unselfish service to all humanity.

THE OBJECTIVE: Generations of Ethical, Honorable, Skilled, Selfless, Physically Fit servant leaders with the faith, courage and skill sets necessary to persevere and surmount all obstacles they will encounter in their service to Christ and others.

THE DEMAND: Parents, Educators, Private Enterprises, Government Institutions and the Universal Christian Church all agree that there must be a new and dynamic approach to education. The Christian Leadership Academy (CLA) will incorporate traditional, home schooled, and cyber students in its educational model using real time technology.

THE SOLUTION: A network of Christian Leadership Academies across the nation linked in real time to offer the most comprehensive, unique leadership and skill set development platform ever conceived. The CLA platform is designed to use today’s technology to incorporate the proven foundation of biblical truth and excellence into every lesson. It will focus on the discovery and development of the God-given, individual gifting and learning style of each and every student. This distinct, servant leadership, educational platform demands excellence while effectively incorporating the proven concepts of every known educational model past and present. To maintain the academy’s integrity and uniqueness CLA will not accept public funding to remain completely free of the crippling and restrictive mandates imposed upon other government funded and mandated educational institutions.

THE MARKET: 1. Parents who professes a faith in Jesus Christ, willing to commit to and partner with CLA in the development and realization of each of their children’s full potential. 2. Parents who desire peace, happiness and a purpose driven life for their children with the ultimate goal of discovering and then fulfilling each child’s unique, divine destiny. 3. Christians willing to embrace a faith-based, educational platform that demands excellence in the comprehensive and holistic development of the Spirit, Mind and Body of each treasured child of God.

THE BUSINESS MODEL: A national network of linked academies that share resources to comprehensively reduce the price of a cost based tuition making it the most effective, efficient and affordable educational institution anywhere in the world.